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10 Video Games that Donate to Charity
10 Video Games that Donate to Charity

Monday, May 20, 2024

There are plenty of video games available that aim to serve the greater good and, by purchasing these games or their DLCs, you can be a part of that change.

Miguel Campos
Miguel Campos
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How Does Charity Games Work?
How Does Charity Games Work?

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Learn more about our history, mission, and the benefits of playing our games. Charity Games is a non-profit organization that aims to help people in need through the power of gaming.

Miguel Campos
Miguel Campos
13 Charities Using Games To Make A Difference

Gaming and its impact on charity is growing year after year. We've compiled a list of our 13 favorite organizations and non-profits using gaming to make a difference.

Miguel Campos
Miguel Campos
Best Games to Play While Pooping
Best Games to Play While Pooping

Friday, February 23, 2024

Pooping is a great time to play games. We all do it, sometimes multiple times a day, and sometimes we do it for a long time. Here are the top 5 games to play while pooping.

Miguel Campos
Miguel Campos
IndieFold - a portfolio for Indie Game Devs

Indiefold is a place where indie game devs, game studios, artists and content creators can organize and broadcast their projects and products to any audience. Learn how to get started with IndieFold and showcase your games.

Miguel Campos
Miguel Campos
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